Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Apple Cider Vinegar and Citra Lestari Rice Milk Soap

My husband and I went to buy an apple cider vinegar. Braggs from the neighbourhood organic store. We have consumed it for about three days. My husband felt more energetic.  There is a  face scrub made of bicarbonate soda . It is said to be good for  te hands. I saw the hand scrub from Hollywood beauty secrets in you tube.  I also made a toner with 50% water and 50% apple cider vinegar.   I then  put some apple cider vinegar on  to my pimple and had cleared in two days. 
I don't know why I have pimples popping on nowadays.  Perhaps it is  the stress. There is a therapy called LED light therapy. I wonder if it is availalbe in Malaysia.There is a soap in the market called Citra Lestari Rice Milk soap It is made from the rice water which is very good for the skin like the bedak sejuk I use every week. The large size is RM 20 and the smaller one is RM 10. It is said to lighten the face.. I have been changing cleansers . Now I am using Esmeria before it is Safi.
Here is the hand scrub from the lady who writes Hollywood beauty secrets.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsMQDjefczk and from Citra Lestari  http://citra2u.blogspot.com/2009/04/sabun-kecantikan-susu-beras.html.

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